2006 will come to an end in 9 hours time. This year passed really fast & i`d be a sec4 student soon (16 year old LEI !). School is just 3 days ahead. Sobs* Lots of hardwork is waiting for me in the coming new year =( Actually, i havent finish my holiday homework. I hope some kind soul will be good enough to lend me 'see' some of it =p
Anyway, all the best to everyone in the coming new year =)
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Friday, December 29, 2006
It`s nearly 430 in the morning now. I slept at 12 just now & woke up at 2+. Meaning, i was staring at the walls for almost 2 hours =,= My flu is the fucking problem which caused me losing my beautiful sleep. So i`ve decided to see doctor later =) I dont wana get sick during this coming new year else it`d be like what weijie said, falling sick in 2 year (2006 & 2007). Sound so unlucky lo, haha. Anyway, im meeting penny in the afternoon =D Ok, in order to waste my time in a faster way, im going to play game now (fang should know what game im saying hoh ?). Haha. Byebyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ~~~~~
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
You broke my heart time after time, is this what friends are for ? Does it prove that after i`ve chose my boyfriend, this friendship is over ? I can swear upon that i really treated the both of you as my good friends. But the words which came out from your mouth its as though im being stabbed by a knife. I cried, not once but twice, & its in front of my boyfriend. Seriously, it hurt too much, too much. Noone will understand how im feeling right now. My heart is bleeding. You people dont understand at all. You think the feeling of being misunderstood is nice ? I doubt so. Not everything can be resolved using words. Only action shows everything but did you 2 ever give me the chance to ? I never wanted to give up this friendship because i believed that it can be retrieve, someday... Sigh*
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Im having flu today =( My nose is fucking itchy & i cant stop sneezing. Because its raining now, im lazy to go down & buy panadol. I`ve used up many packets of tissue already. I think my nose skin will peel off soon =,= Oh yar, take a look at this lyrics. I think its quite sweet. I got to hear this song when im listening to 93.3 last night.
东京 纽约 每个地点
散步 逛街 找电影院
塞车 停电 哪怕下雪
星光 音乐 一杯热咖啡
东京 纽约 每个地点
散步 逛街 找电影院
塞车 停电 哪怕下雪
星光 音乐 一杯热咖啡
Monday, December 25, 2006
MERRY CHRISTMAS ! Celebrated this year`s christmas with dear & peeps. As there were quite many people, im lazy to name all of them out. Ok, met them at golden village at marina square & walked round & round to search for place to eat. Ended up having burger king, haha. After that, we went back to golden village wanted to buy movie tickets but there were too many people there & the tickets were selling real fast, leaving only the first row left. Noone wants to sit at the first row. Therefore, we ended up slacking at golden village =,= We were deciding where to go & some suggested to go to 1 of their friend`s pub whereas some didnt want to. So me, dear & ah seng went to arcade & left them there deciding where to go. Ok, so took train to amk & some left. So me & dear went home too. Lol, its not really as boring la. I think its alright to me =)
Sat, 23 Dec
Me & dear went to meet xiang, ah seng, wenzi & another 2 more person at town. Caught eragon at Lido. Not a bad show, for me i think i`d rate it 3/5. The cinema sucks la. Damn small & the seats were lousy, the screen was small =,= The show started at 1am, so we had to wait there for like 2hrs. It ended at around 3 so after that headed to dear`s house.
Sat, 23 Dec
Me & dear went to meet xiang, ah seng, wenzi & another 2 more person at town. Caught eragon at Lido. Not a bad show, for me i think i`d rate it 3/5. The cinema sucks la. Damn small & the seats were lousy, the screen was small =,= The show started at 1am, so we had to wait there for like 2hrs. It ended at around 3 so after that headed to dear`s house.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
So i slept at 3 yesterday & woke up at 6+ today & went back to sleep again & woke up at 9+ i think. Im very lacked of sleep. Went town with michelle & doris today. I saw the fat ass/short ass/whatever you called her, at heeren. Shes working at the neo print shop there. & i tell you, her attitude sucks la. Curious about who she is ? Go to heeren`s neo print shop & see. & eventually you`d know who am i talking about. Ok, enough of her. Had some laughing session at cine long johns. Homed after that.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Our 8th month anniversary just passed. Its 8th month plus 1 day anniversary now =) Had it celebrated at kbox. HAHA funny right ? Or i should say we`re daring ? Haha. Its a really great experience to me because going to kbox with my boyfriend & sing alone in front of him is something i thought i wouldnt dare to do BUT yesterday proved me wrong. Hahaha. None of us dare to sing first cox of shy-ness u see. Then i said i shall be the brave girl of the day & so i picked up the mic & started to sing. Lol~ So after singing few songs, we`re not shy anymore & so we chose all sorts of kuku songs =D We had jaychou fanclub too. Meaning, we sang alot of jay`s songs =) I chose the rap 1 & so did dear. It was hilarious. After k, went to town to search for my mango shirt but i found nothing. Then had some bite at taka & headed to dear`s house after that. Was a tiring day for both of us but i really enjoyed myself. & dear will be going back to camp tomorrow. So sad =(
Dear, happy belated 8th month anniversary to us. ILOVEYOU !
Dear, happy belated 8th month anniversary to us. ILOVEYOU !
Friday, December 15, 2006
Hows my new blogskin ? Hee i think its nice because it has white background =) Wanted to change the picture but i dont know how to. Will figure it out soon. Dear is now vacuuming my house for me (housechores). Whahaha. So nice of him right. Indeed a good husband. Ok, im going to mop the floor now since he has finished the vacuuming. Bye peeps.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Im back =) Been missing me ? Haha. Well, im spending my past 1 week with dear because he`s having his leave now & until the 18th. Ok talking about the week i`ve spent, last wed went to bugis with winnie. She havent send me the pictures, so i`d upload when i receive them from her. Mm then went to dear`s grandma house for dinner on last sat, then escape themepark on the mon, after dear`s appointment in CGH. It only cost us $6 per person but we only got to play 3 games BECAUSE it rained heavily while we were Q-ing for Go Kart. Seeing that the rain wouldnt stop in 1 hour time, we decided to go home. Haha. & went to meet darren & colin yesterday. Waited for darren bloody long =,= Shopped with dear first while waiting for darren. When he reached, went to play billard. & yes, it was my first time playing billard =) Then pool then billard again =,= After that it was steamboat session =) Theres 1 auntie who came to take money from us & none of us was willing to give her except for stupid colin. Because the auntie was a fake beggar. The people working at the steambaot area told us the auntie wasnt any poor people la & she had beer the night before. Hahaha, then i said her hair looks straight, maybe she just rebonded her hair not long ago. Lol~ & colin was angry. On the spot fuck the auntie like hell. HAHA dear, me & darren was like kept laughing non-stop =) Had a wonderful day yesterday. & now, im waiting upon my coming 8th month anniversary =D I love dear.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Going to dear`s POP with his mom later. Time indeed passed very fast, its been 3 months since dear went into army. I felt so weird because im at his house now with his parents =,= Of course im hiding in his room, lol. Had fever in the middle of the night. Felt really bad =( But my temperature managed to decrease after i had panadol. I only slept for 3hours @@ & im wearing dear`s shirt now. He forced me to wear it =,= Im sure he looks gay wearing orange tee shirt. Haha~
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Went to fetch dear at pasir ris yesterday & i waited for him for bloody 45minutes. He knew i waited for very long so he was the first who chiong down the bus when he reached there. Haha he looked kinda retarded pulling the big bag =,= Cabbed to his house, he need to pack his stuffs all that & after that he cooked porridge for me =) He got the chance of being a great husband, lol~ Cabbed to redhill market at night for dinner with my family. Headed home after that. Then around 11plus, dear said he wana go safra for pool/billard & so bus-ed there. Edmund called dear while we were in the bus & i started going mad by repeating DING DONG~DING DONG~ & YOU HAVE REACH MAILBOX NUMBER BLAH BLAH, PLEASE LEAVE YOUR MESSAGE AFTER THE TONE, BEEP~ Lol, funny huh =,= Unluckily, when we went to the billard room after going to the toilet, the uncle said he`d be closing in 10minutes time. How sad. Seemed like we spent the bus fare to the toilet there, hahaha. Ok, so bus-ed back & went to 78A kopitiam for supper =) It might seems boring but actually it`s not because i love the time spent with dear because we crapped alot & played alot too =) I love dear~
Friday, December 01, 2006
Ate mac for dinner today. Im already broke yet the girl cheated my money *&^%$#@! Anyway something happened when i was bathing just now. My hairband dropped into the toilet bowl =,= Should i say im quite unlucky today ? Haha oh well~
AHA ! Finally i`d be seeing dear tomorrow. Going to pasir ris to fetch him again, i know im nice & we`d be having dinner with mom tomorrow night, i dont know who else is going. Cant wait for dear`s 1week leave because we`ve planned what to do during his leave. Escape themepark, sentosa & blah blah... I cant really remember already, ha. But of course we`d play hard because im having holiday now & dear seriously need a good break =) Yay yay yay~!
AHA ! Finally i`d be seeing dear tomorrow. Going to pasir ris to fetch him again, i know im nice & we`d be having dinner with mom tomorrow night, i dont know who else is going. Cant wait for dear`s 1week leave because we`ve planned what to do during his leave. Escape themepark, sentosa & blah blah... I cant really remember already, ha. But of course we`d play hard because im having holiday now & dear seriously need a good break =) Yay yay yay~!
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Im very tired because i slept at 3 last night & i woke up at 8 this morning. Indeed early huh, haha. So i shall summarize what i did today. Woke up at 8, onlined & waited for daohui to come to my house. Cooked porridge for her, LOL~ She said its nice =D We then met winnie at busstop & headed to k together. Had fun of course =) After k, winnie went home & so daohui & me went to tiong for dinner &home-d. Very tired. && im going to dear`s camp this coming tue. Ha, he`s very happy & excited =,=
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Blogging about yesterday. Met penny at far east & we went to have our lunch, long john which was like again =,= Headed to heeren for neoprint then bugis for shopping. I didnt buy anything, how sad. My cutie bought a jacket =) Too bad i cant find the white shorts she wants, if not i might contribute some for it =) & i left my neoprint with her. Sobs. Fun day~ I love her =)
Monday, November 27, 2006
Im back after watching the 530 show . Went to skinny`s house just now . Met her at tiong for breakfast-lunch at 1 then suddenly rain heavily , so we had to walk around tiong to wait for the rain to stop . Ok , rain stopped & headed to her house . Used com , gossiped , took pics & stuffs . We took sucha long time to produce only 2 pictures =,= Haha ~ Went back at 5 cox her mom was back . Meeting penny tomorrow =D Happy ~ & it was fun today , right skinny ? Haha =)
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Just finished talking to dear & im waiting for his goodnight message now =) Alright i shall talk about yesterday`s outing . Reached cine at 6 yesterday . So dear & me went to buy tickets for Casino Royale . V nice show , i think i`d rate it 4/5 =) Watch it if you have time , its worth la . After that went to ate kfc , then headed to arcade to waste time there . Its 710 when the show started & it ended at 10+ i think . I cant remember the exact time but its quite a long show . Then walked to ps arcade instead of lavender cox dear said maybe i cant play pool there . Lastly , back to dear`s house . Sweet yet short day =)
Friday, November 24, 2006
I dont know whats wrong with my com . I could get into the net earlier on , after awhile i couldnt & now i can again =,= Im going to fetch dear later i guess =) Supposed to meet Skinny for breakfast-lunch just now but she couldnt make it in the end so i had maggie for my lunch at home =( & its darren`s birthday today , so xiang called me just now & asked whether dear & me going to celebrate with darren . Before dear called & we conferenced , xiang & me was talking about our friend`s ex-girlfriend . I complained to him about that night she asked me help her buy some woman`s stuffs you see . & xiang told me what happened that night when he went back to the chalet after sending me & dear home . You can actually say we were gossiping about that girl , haha =,= Ok will be seeing dear in 1hr30mins time i think =D Im gonna bath now , byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ~
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Im so-so-so bored please . Dear went to sleep long time ago which was like 10 o`clock =( I`ve got nothing better to do now & here . I wanto go dear`s house cox i feel like a queen there . Haha ! Cox dear will take care of me & at least i got someone to play with =) & i love to watch tv with dear . Haha i dont know why too . I didnt manage to find any job when i went for job hunting with daohui last sat . We were shopping instead of looking for jobs =,= Sad case . No job = no money =(((( Anyway , i was webcaming with laopo this afternoon . Haha its really funny & i get to see her parents & talked to them through webcam . Lol =,=
Short yet boring day ~
Short yet boring day ~
Monday, November 20, 2006
Im happy cox dear has fixed my com for me (: Thats so great of him & thanks so much ! Haha . Im sad cox i cant celebrate skinny`s birthday with her tomorrow =( & dear fell down in camp =( Heh skinny , i promise to celebrate with you next year ok ! Hee i promise nar . Anyway , wish you a really happy & enjoyable birthday this evening (: & happy belated birthday to doris ah (:
Thanks dear ! Gee . i love you =D
Thanks dear ! Gee . i love you =D
Friday, November 17, 2006
I just dont like someone out there . Someone who acts to be those very english type . Someone who acts to be a very nice person , a very nice friend . But everything , the fact is that shes just acting la . Heh hello , what are you doing ? You think u`re very nice & noble for doing all this ? You just make me dislike u even more . & in case u dont know , im not those kinda person who say out things which im not suppose to la ok . Get this right first .
Omg . Im posting this kinda s h i t on my 7th month anniversary o.O Haha ~ Im sad cox i cant get to see dear this weekend & we cant celebrate our anniversary together =( But nvm , dear i got ur present ler (: & you already know what it is la . Haha & i found the song you wanted that time (: I miss you alot & i love you alot too nar =p & im waiting for you to come out to repair my com . Haha ~
HAPPY 7TH MONTH ANNIVERSARY to dear & me ! Hugs *
Omg . Im posting this kinda s h i t on my 7th month anniversary o.O Haha ~ Im sad cox i cant get to see dear this weekend & we cant celebrate our anniversary together =( But nvm , dear i got ur present ler (: & you already know what it is la . Haha & i found the song you wanted that time (: I miss you alot & i love you alot too nar =p & im waiting for you to come out to repair my com . Haha ~
HAPPY 7TH MONTH ANNIVERSARY to dear & me ! Hugs *
Thursday, November 09, 2006
& again , my cramps for this month is back . Argh thats fucking irritating i tell u . & im in deep deep pain =( How am i going to DIDI`s chalet tomorrow with my cramps ? Oh fuck . Me & dear havent get him any present yet =x Ok nvm , i think we turn up its already enough (: He wont get to see my blog anyway =p Im so hungry now . I havent been eating the whole morning due to my cramps . Thanks big aunt . & i guess this is the reason why i cant grow any fatter =,= I`d be seeing dear tomorrow (:(: Ok , my cake is home now . Off for yummy ~
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
I dono what the fuck has happened . I cant believe what i did just now . Is it that i`ve changed ? Or rather mom`s the 1 who changed ? Perhaps the world ? Im so confuse & im hartbroken . I cried for veryvery long & its really a bad 1 this time . I hate all this , i hate my fucking life , i hate my family & i hate every single thing out there . Everything has changed , those sweet ones especially . Let me bid goodbye to this place . cries *
Im finally done with my new blogskin . How was it ? I think it`s nice (: The only thing is everything is sqeezed to 1 side i know but i got no idea howto shift it to the centre . I`ve tried but it doesnt seemed to work . Sad la . But but but , it looks gorgeous eh . Haha . Bored la ~ I gotta pass my aunt laptop tomorrow ler . Shit her friend _l_ (her friend wana use lo) . Aha im going to get my shirt tomorrow at town (: Maybe a new belt too (:
& last night dear scare the shit outta me =,= He didnt call me until 1135 (the latest he`d call is 11) . I was so freaking worry . Cox he was practicing gun shooting yesterday , then i thought he kana shot & die =x I kept calling him but his phone was off & i sent him millions of messages . Haha ~ Well , we didnt talk on phone for 2 days ler =( I miss him so much . He wont be coming out next week . Im very sad ok =(((((( & yes , i`d be huting for job again next week (: & lotsa outings this holiday (: && hopefully i`d get my butterfly done this holiday too =D Im just so excited ~
& last night dear scare the shit outta me =,= He didnt call me until 1135 (the latest he`d call is 11) . I was so freaking worry . Cox he was practicing gun shooting yesterday , then i thought he kana shot & die =x I kept calling him but his phone was off & i sent him millions of messages . Haha ~ Well , we didnt talk on phone for 2 days ler =( I miss him so much . He wont be coming out next week . Im very sad ok =(((((( & yes , i`d be huting for job again next week (: & lotsa outings this holiday (: && hopefully i`d get my butterfly done this holiday too =D Im just so excited ~
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Just came back from dinner with jiun & daohui . & as usual funny things happened . Haha ~ We were just too lazy to walk so we carry on sitting there & crapped . Then this time , 3 weirdos came in . Are you wondering who are the weirdos i mean ? Insane people = sot sot teh people la (2 auntie & 1 uncle) . & yes , they look siao people once you see them . As daohui & me saw 1 of the aunties before , we kept looking at her . Later on , it became the 3 of us kept looking at them . Then the auntie scold us . Haha ! Damn funny . Then dao hui scolded her back la . When we left , daohui pointed _l_ at the auntie . HAHA ! Then the auntie ran out & said HEI JI , BAI JI !! We laughed damn loud please ~ & we were figuring out what is the auntie trying to tell us . Black cheebye & white cheebye ?? That sounds so weird @@ Cox thats what came from weirdo . Lol . We bid goodbye at tiong bus stop & jiun left first . Dao hui & me went to interchange .
& yes , i saw my ex at interchange just now . Im feeling so weird . & guess what ? They`re taking the same bus as me . So i asked daohui to wait for another bus with me . They kept looking at me =,= Devan smiled at me . I dono what was that for seriously . & its normal that i should smile back & so i did . Oh whatever . From then on , im not feeling very good until now . Thats really crap & i swear i hate all this la please ! Please call me soon dear . Im missing you like hell now =( & sorry xiang , cox i gave you attitude just now . Who ask you talked rubbish to me when im not in good mood . Aha ! Sorry bro ~
& yes , i saw my ex at interchange just now . Im feeling so weird . & guess what ? They`re taking the same bus as me . So i asked daohui to wait for another bus with me . They kept looking at me =,= Devan smiled at me . I dono what was that for seriously . & its normal that i should smile back & so i did . Oh whatever . From then on , im not feeling very good until now . Thats really crap & i swear i hate all this la please ! Please call me soon dear . Im missing you like hell now =( & sorry xiang , cox i gave you attitude just now . Who ask you talked rubbish to me when im not in good mood . Aha ! Sorry bro ~
Monday, November 06, 2006
Im so in a fucking foul mood this evening since i came back home . But thanks to dear im feeling much better now (: Im so glad that i`ve a great boyfriend & i know this will last forever =D (even when we get married) . Oh god is being so nice to me uh ~ & i`d treasure what i have now (: Ilovehubby <3s Goodnight everyone . Goodnight hubby (: & goodnight to ME ~
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Woo lala ~ Im at dear`s house right now (: We just came back from bugis , after watching The Covenant . Its a really nice show i tell u . Exciting & the guys in the show were really handsome & cool . Well , dear said that the Sarah in the show was pretty also la (: Haha . Before that , we went to eat steamboat & ex lo . 2 person = $39 & what we have was cheap food la ~ We didnt enjoy ourselves as much while eating cox of the 2 proud people sitting beside us =,= They talked alot & boasted alot as well =,= When we were talking , they`d listen =,= What food we took , they also followed =,= Damn lame please . Got a new pair of jeans from dear =D Thanks hubby ~! I had a great time with u today though the steamboat plan wasnt really successful . Lol . Ok , im very tired now as we walked the whole evening . Goodnight (: Iloveuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu <3s
Friday, November 03, 2006
Aha ~ Went out with michelle today . Went cine kbox to sing our harts out =D Then heeren for neos & far east shop shop (: But our legs ached so walked awhile & left for bugis . Went bugis awhile also =,= Ate long johns & headed to esplanade & thats when our photo session begans (: Had a great time but im really tired . Haha ~ Alright , some of the pics we looked the same so im not going to upload all as im just too lazy for that (:

not bad ah ~ haha !

i put my head on e sofa , not i sing until so serious la =,=

im just being lame . pardon me for that (:

LMAO ! i think this is e nicest we took today !
Well , dear is finally back from his 5-day camp (: We're going gaigai tomorrow (: Yay ! I love dear <33333333333333333333

not bad ah ~ haha !

i put my head on e sofa , not i sing until so serious la =,=

im just being lame . pardon me for that (:

LMAO ! i think this is e nicest we took today !
Well , dear is finally back from his 5-day camp (: We're going gaigai tomorrow (: Yay ! I love dear <33333333333333333333
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Just finished dinner not long . & i ate 2 plates of rice (: & im feeling proud for this (: I kept eating meat & veggie in order to grow fat & stay healthy (: So that i wont fall sick easily . I cant afford to fall sick now . I`ve got my art olevel coursework to chiong & of cox others subjects too la , especially math ! I`d really work hard on it & build my foundation well . Passing my math is 1 of my wishes (: It may sounds funny cox ever since i failed my math when i was in pri4/5 (i tin) , i`ve not been passing ler =( How sad . Thats why i don give a damn abt it all along until my eoy . I really hope to pass math , so i decided to study more for it when sch reopens & do all the math homework which teacher assign us to do (: Im so glad that im making myself to do all these =D
Ok , im looking at my optical mouse now . It looks so cute whenever it start changing its color . Awww ~ & it makes me start to miss dear again =( Wonder what is dear doing now & how much did he suffer =(((((((( Please tkcrs my dear ~ I love u & i miss u real lots <3s
Ok , im looking at my optical mouse now . It looks so cute whenever it start changing its color . Awww ~ & it makes me start to miss dear again =( Wonder what is dear doing now & how much did he suffer =(((((((( Please tkcrs my dear ~ I love u & i miss u real lots <3s
Monday, October 30, 2006
Im bored . Dear will be having a 5-day camp & must stay in forest = , so he cannot bring phone there . Meaning , he wont be able to call me for 5 days =( Im bored again cox theres bridging & of cox homework lo =( Im bored AGAIN cox i haven touch my art & math work =,= Thats really boring lei . & today we found out that theres ALOT work which need to be completed for eng . I cant imagine how much more work there is for other subjects =,= & thats holiday homework . Still got art sia =(((((( I really wonder if staying in express is a good choice for me ? Im afraid i might not cope with it . Cox i know im really those lazy kind & everyone say so too , even dear =,= Cox he says im sooooo lazy that whenever we quarrelled , im just being lazy to defend myself & he gets v irritated for that . Haha ~
Nvm . Anyway i`d be doing my math & art homework soon (: Perhaps only do math nia =p Cox when i thought of my art teacher , i don feel lyk doing anymore . Shes just so biased & i really don lyk that . Aaa forget it . She wont get to see this anyway so no need to blog much abt it . Aha .
I miss dearrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ~
Nvm . Anyway i`d be doing my math & art homework soon (: Perhaps only do math nia =p Cox when i thought of my art teacher , i don feel lyk doing anymore . Shes just so biased & i really don lyk that . Aaa forget it . She wont get to see this anyway so no need to blog much abt it . Aha .
I miss dearrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ~
Friday, October 27, 2006
Laopo , im sorry . I forgot to post abt yesterday`s outing =x Alright , i shall talk abt yesterday`s outing with my dear laopo (: Went to heeren aft e 3Es party & headed to far east aft that to look for our necklace . I finally saw e long-sleeve shirt which i`ve been looking for v long (: Wanted to withdraw $ but aft e renovation , theres no POSB machine at far east anymore =,= What the . . In e end i nv buy =( Sadded . Instead , we both bought e same necklace (: A rose one . Quite nice la , cox thats e nicest we found in far east =,= We were really tired & went back to sch to get our report book . Was a wonderful outing (: Afterall i did enjoy & so did my dear laopo (: I love laopo ok ~! Shes e best cox shes always there for me (: Hugs .
And now i am waiting for my dear mousey la . So late ler still haven book out =( Im hungry . Perhaps later we`re going vivo/cine to catch a movie (:
And now i am waiting for my dear mousey la . So late ler still haven book out =( Im hungry . Perhaps later we`re going vivo/cine to catch a movie (:
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Finally i got bac my results today & guess what ? I PASSED ! Yes , i promoted to sec4 express (: & dis is due to luck la . Haha teachers pulled me up de . Thanks chong chong (: U`re e best teacher eva (: I cried cox too happy ler =D & everyone was lyk WALAO EH U CRY FOR WHAT ?! Haha ~ Anyway , all e best to those who din make it & please tk v good care alrite ? Lets work hard tgt (: I love u guys (:

Ok , sao-mao (my bro) looks darn cute here please ~
Monday, October 23, 2006
Oh what a fucking irresponsible boss i have ! What a fucking job am i working right now ?! A fucking shop with a stupid fucking boss ~ Im darn pissed now please !$@%^* I wasted my fucking money on those fucking cabs today _l_ Really an unlucky day & a waste-money-day =,=
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Aha . Im starting work tomorrow (: And hubby is booking out tomorrow night if there isnt any cock-up (: He called me jus now abt dis matter and he was darn happy =,= plus he happy until darn act cute please ~ Lyk little boy lidat =,= Anyway , im still not realy sure whos dropping to NA in my class . Of cox i hope im not one of them . Haha . Actually drop still not tat bad la , don retain can liao . Ar bo retain i realy dono how ler =( but compared to e others , i tin im much beta than them ? Haha (: Nvm , shall enjoy myself until next thurs (taking bac report book) . All e best to me (: and to u guys too (:
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Monday, October 16, 2006
Im sick again =,= Dis time is due to haze la (: I hope dear`s fine lo cox he was complaning to me earlier on tat he wasnt feeling v well too . Haha . My flu is really bad dis time . I`ve used up abt 17 packets of tissue ler =,= And my throat is pain too la . I dono wher e hell did my uncle went to get my can of pepsi =,= I tin he went to Woodlands to get it =,= Im nw waiting for my pepsi to take my medicine (: And fuck those people who kept calling my house la _I_ Bth sia . Can u believe tat i`ve answered more than 10calls within an hour ? =,= Tats y my personal nick now says "ANOTHER PERSON WHO CALL MY HOUSE AGAIN WHOLE FAMILY DIE (: GOOD LUCK " ~ Haha ! This method really work i tell u . Noone called anymore (: Sorry if im being childish (: I jus feel lyk entertaing myself =D Alrite , off i go now to talk to my laopo (: Please take good care hubby (: I love u muack <3s
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Yippy ! Im at hubby`s house now (: Jus now went gai gai hee . Went sim lim to get him our half yr anniversary gift (: A mouse HAHA ! Mm e optical mouse , can change light itself de . V cute can ~ And hubby bought me e same one la . Hee . Means we got a couple mouse ? HAHA ! Happy la . Ok , den went village walkwalk . See my handbag and skirt . Then went junction makan e fried rice ther . As i dono howto tear e chicken wings with fork&spoon , hubby teared them for me nicely . Hubby was so sweet and darn cute please ~ Simply love him la =D He`s e best boyfren ever (: (: Den went up saw his bro , they chatted and went smoke and den we went to buy our mickey cup (: Aft tat hubby and me went bac village to get my skirt & handbag (: Hubby bought both for me . So nice of him (: Den shun bian asked abt job lo . Managed to find a good one and im goin down for interview on tue (: Good . Really a tired day due to too much of walkin =,= Din take any pics with hubby . Im so sry my dear . Really thanks alot for today k . I love u sooooo much ~!!! MUACK ^o^v Im off to pei him nw =p Gdnite people (:
Friday, October 13, 2006
Went sentosa with dao hui and jiun . After tat went vivo . Darn sian please ~ So many shops haven officially open yet =,= And we had a hard time searching for long johns . And when we finally found it , its closed _I_ Damned . Then went bac harbour front makan lo , mac la ~ Sian . Chatted alot at mac , den went home ler . Kana sunburn , face and bac pain sia . Haha but was fun afterall la (:
Checked of papers today . Failed bio , math and history . Im not abt physic as Mr Chua didnt pass chong chong e papers . Anyway i failed my Eng paper2 . Hais sad =( I thought e paper was easy , in e end i failed it =,= Im so scare tat i`d be downstream . I realy don wan tat to happen . Now i can only hope tat e results shown in report book wil be at least a pass for eng and i`b be contented (: AND !!! I scored A1 for art =D Tats a darn good thing can ~ YAY ! Tomorrow seeing dear and we`re going gai gai (: Hee good things are happening now (: I love my life (: And most importantly , i love e people ard me (: Thanks dear for comforting me (: Thanks xiang , jess and dao hui and those whom i did not mention for comforting me too (: Love u guys tons <3s
Went sentosa with dao hui and jiun . After tat went vivo . Darn sian please ~ So many shops haven officially open yet =,= And we had a hard time searching for long johns . And when we finally found it , its closed _I_ Damned . Then went bac harbour front makan lo , mac la ~ Sian . Chatted alot at mac , den went home ler . Kana sunburn , face and bac pain sia . Haha but was fun afterall la (:
Checked of papers today . Failed bio , math and history . Im not abt physic as Mr Chua didnt pass chong chong e papers . Anyway i failed my Eng paper2 . Hais sad =( I thought e paper was easy , in e end i failed it =,= Im so scare tat i`d be downstream . I realy don wan tat to happen . Now i can only hope tat e results shown in report book wil be at least a pass for eng and i`b be contented (: AND !!! I scored A1 for art =D Tats a darn good thing can ~ YAY ! Tomorrow seeing dear and we`re going gai gai (: Hee good things are happening now (: I love my life (: And most importantly , i love e people ard me (: Thanks dear for comforting me (: Thanks xiang , jess and dao hui and those whom i did not mention for comforting me too (: Love u guys tons <3s
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Jus woke up from my beautiful sleep ~ YAY ! Exams` finally over =D But today`s math paper 2 was freakin diff please ~ And e setter was my math teacher ! I bet either she wana make us fail or show off how great she is in math ? Haha i din finished it anyway . I was only at pg3 when 1hr passed . E paper was 21/2 hr . V long for me , tats y i put my head on table and write (: Then abt 30sec i started to feel sleepy . So i stopped and slept awhile (: Woke up again and continued . I really din noe howto do , den dis time i kept lookin ard . Aft i woke up , i saw jacob zzz =,= and shahrul zzz too =,= I bet e paper was realy diff for them too (: Den slack awhile continued . All anyhow bomb ans =p I left alot blank too (: When i came to e last ques , was kinda shocked la . Cox tats a give-away-marks ques . Then i gan chiong liao cox nt much time left so i chiong ~ Luckily i managed to finish it (:
Went to get guangguang`s present aft sch (: Bought him a shirt . Kinda childish de =( I felt cheated cox dao hui n jiun says mayb the shop got it free somewher n sell it in their shop =\ Hais waste my money sia . But tats for guangguang anyway , he don lyk oso nt my prob liao (:
Really lookin forward to dis comin sat cox goin out wif dear to celebrate our advanced anniversary =D YAY ! And i tin he`d bring me to somewher nice to makan ba (: beta than always eat fast food , darn sian one (: Faster saturdayyyyyyyy ~
Went to get guangguang`s present aft sch (: Bought him a shirt . Kinda childish de =( I felt cheated cox dao hui n jiun says mayb the shop got it free somewher n sell it in their shop =\ Hais waste my money sia . But tats for guangguang anyway , he don lyk oso nt my prob liao (:
Really lookin forward to dis comin sat cox goin out wif dear to celebrate our advanced anniversary =D YAY ! And i tin he`d bring me to somewher nice to makan ba (: beta than always eat fast food , darn sian one (: Faster saturdayyyyyyyy ~
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