Thursday, July 07, 2011

Did I ever post these pictures..? Thats the period when I was working at Asylum. Not very long, only about 1.5months. Erwin is a good boss! Recently heard that Asylum has closed down. Not very sure what happened though...

With Bunny. Really envy people with small nose. I also want!!..

Tomorrow is friday! Meaning, I will get to see my precious bbgirl. Gonna force her to call me Maaaaaaa~mi again. Hehe. The first time she called was on her own accord! I tried many times asking her to call me mommy, even I beg her she also don't want to call. But last sunday when I sent her back to nanny house, she actually followed me and said "maaaaaaa~mi". Happy max! So cute hor? I hope she knows maaaaa~mi is me lol. When she saw Mal she will be happy and said "korkor" LOL. So clever!

Sat going to Sandy's boy shower! Still deciding whether to bring Mal or Mel. Scare later Mel want to sleep then make a big fuss there. Hmm...

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