How's my new blog background? Nice? ;)
Look at the below picture. ME LOVE!!! ♥♥♥
Very kelian hor? Hahaha! They were too tired after swimming session
Sometimes it's not easy to bring both out. Even there are adults around, it is still hard! ~_~ Have to chase after them... Feed them... Scold them... Change their diapers...
Wonder how is it like when they grow up? When I turn 40 years old nineteen years later... Can I go pubbing w them? Club together? HAHA!
I wanna be a modern mommy leh! I don't want be lao aunty everyday at home do house chores, wear ah ma type of clothes, never make out, then cut my hair short and perm my hair. Lol! NO WAY!
Nineteen years later I still wanna fit into slim cut jeans, wear mini skirt, wear spag, wear contact lenses... I still wanna be fickle minded like having a hard time deciding whether to cut my fringe short or not, deciding which color to dye my hair...
Hahaha hope nineteen years later I have 6 digits savings in my account! Then everyday go shopping go high tea go sing K hahahaha oh yea nineteen years later..
I hope my kids would spend time with me even when they grow up.
Hope Malcolm brings me out for dinner when he is free..
Hope Melanie goes shopping with me when she is free..
Hope they only look for me when they have money... LOL
I never say I want to be like my mil when I grow old hor. HAHAHA
I am not bee they are not honey... U get me? Lolol =P
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