Had a big fight with fil last night because of Malcolm. My son has changed into someone I cant recognize.. Sounds exaggerate ah? No! I'm serious! You know, he went back to cc after his 3days mc which was last friday, I called his teacher and check his condition. Teacher said everything was as normal. He ate, he slept and he did not use his pacifier (as teachers doesnt allow the kids there to..)! All these were different from what he has been doing at home for the past 1week, except that he did sleep.
NOW, he is always crying. He wants to go gai gai all the time! Even 12midnight he doesnt wanna sleep, keep 'gaigai gaigai' or 'chu qu'. We off the lights ask him to sleep. He pulled mil's blanket away dont want to let her sleep and pulled her out of bed and brought her to the door say he want to go out. Wtf is wrong with him?!
When fil is taking care of him, he gave Malcolm everything which he asked for. Malcolm stick to him like a leech -_- When he is with me, he is somehow a better kid. He knows I will beat him if he do something wrong. But after he saw fil...
I really cannot tolerate him anymore so I beat him last night. He wasn't scare at all! In fact he yelled. He wanted to look for his gong gong. I dont allow him to. I saw fil coming out already I faster carry Malcolm into my room and locked the door. But fil just kept knocking ask me to open it. Shall not say much about what happened later as its obvious already. 100% like drama lor..
Seriously there is nothing wrong with me teaching my kid. I know you love your grandson but your way of teaching him or the way you dote him is wrong. I tried to explain to fil after that but I guess he doesnt understand at all. All he know is I am wrong to hit Malcolm. Idk what should I do. Dont care about it anymore? Just let Malcolm be? I dont want someday on the street people saying this boy got no parents teach! Going berserk soon! No one is perfect I know, but he has got to know what is right and what is wrong. If I dont teach him now then who will? Right now I dont even dare to imagine how Malcolm gonna be like when he grows up... Sigh.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Something is wrong with Malcolm! I am very worry. He has been ill this week. These few days all he did was nua on the bed with his pacifier. Dont wanna eat, cried for milk. When we make milk for him, its either he drink abit or he doesnt want it anymore. WHY?? Even his favourite food he is also not interested. He is very cranky and likes to throw temper when we dont give him what he wants. In the past when he is sick, he will still play and able to eat. Why is this time round so different? What should I do to help him? He is getting skinnier each day! I am a bad mother ='(
I guess he didn't enjoy his birthday yesterday. He didn't even had a bite on the cake. I am so sad.. But still, mommy wishes you a Happy Belated Birthday my dear son! I love you! And I promise to give you the best. I hope I am able to do so...
I guess he didn't enjoy his birthday yesterday. He didn't even had a bite on the cake. I am so sad.. But still, mommy wishes you a Happy Belated Birthday my dear son! I love you! And I promise to give you the best. I hope I am able to do so...
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Now I know the caused of my headache is not from lenses, its from the Implanon.. Google and read reviews about it. First web I came across were positive comments about this contraceptive. I thought it was really that great until I came across another web where women were all scolding it. Haha. I read one review and I realized that I'm having same side effects as her. I had irregular menses for months, headache (migraine) and stomachache appearing recently. I went to a GP last week and the doctor told me "just get use to it (headache).." I'm taking panadol almost everyday. I think soon I'd die from cancer. Right, ff? Haha.
On a happier note, it's Malcolm's birthday tomorrow! Gonna bring him to barrage for kite flying! But he's still sick... Can he go? I really hope he will enjoy tomorrow as I know birthday is a special day to children. Even now I am 19+, I'd still get excited when my birthday is arriving... Which is like next week? =P
On a happier note, it's Malcolm's birthday tomorrow! Gonna bring him to barrage for kite flying! But he's still sick... Can he go? I really hope he will enjoy tomorrow as I know birthday is a special day to children. Even now I am 19+, I'd still get excited when my birthday is arriving... Which is like next week? =P
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Ahhh I hate my job >( Low pay, do shit work all I keep quiet already. But ask me see people's face is something I really cannot do! When they are busy/stress, then will give me attitude problem. Their pay is high. If they have no stress, not busy then who should be the one? Me? Come on, you cant deal with ur unhappiness then go tell boss la. I am just a receptionist, not your house maid. Fuck you all!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Happy advanced birthday to me! LOL super advanced right? 2weeks earlier.
Headed to M Bar at Tras St as I heard there's a private room there. So we just try our luck to see if the room is available. Martell selling at $198. Tock ppl? Room was occupied. Therefore we took the sofa seat outside. The boss told one of us " you all want room should go k box ma". Wtf?? -_-"

Finally hit the '2 head' le... sob

Happy adv to HJ also. lol
Headed to M Bar at Tras St as I heard there's a private room there. So we just try our luck to see if the room is available. Martell selling at $198. Tock ppl? Room was occupied. Therefore we took the sofa seat outside. The boss told one of us " you all want room should go k box ma". Wtf?? -_-"

Finally hit the '2 head' le... sob

Happy adv to HJ also. lol
Tuesday, February 08, 2011
Anyone with problem having straight hair? Recently I just changed my shampoo to Dove. The result was not bad. 'Straight & Silky'. Can give it a try ;)
I'm having problems wearing lens! Too dry and I tend to have headache after I wear. Everyone is telling me 'dont wear la'. But never wear I will low self-esteem lei. Cos eyes small, lol. Ai swee mai mia. Do I have to change the solution in the lens casing everyday if I never wear them? How much solution do I have to put? Fully covered? Half covered? And what eye drop is recommended for dry eyes (lens)? Pls share with me if you know ya! Thanks =)
I'm having problems wearing lens! Too dry and I tend to have headache after I wear. Everyone is telling me 'dont wear la'. But never wear I will low self-esteem lei. Cos eyes small, lol. Ai swee mai mia. Do I have to change the solution in the lens casing everyday if I never wear them? How much solution do I have to put? Fully covered? Half covered? And what eye drop is recommended for dry eyes (lens)? Pls share with me if you know ya! Thanks =)
Monday, February 07, 2011
GONG XI FA CAI! But pls dont come take ang bao from me. Hahaha. This year I'm so broke. Errr, standard every year I'm broke but this year is worse =\ Went out only on chu san & chu si. Chu san brought malcolm to zoo, chu si went to mom's place. Will upload pictures from the zoo some other day.
I dislike cny since I was young because shops will be closed and only fast food is available. I hate going to relatives house to bai nian. And ang bao money always so little cos all so stingy... Now I hate cny even more cos I needa give $$$. Got out no in. Even mom doesnt give me lei walaoo! I think I only received 3 for myself lolol! Two from in laws, one from kh's grandma. Sad!

My gam zek bro. Forever weight at only 15kg -_-
Nobody tell me my hair so messy..!
They came over to mom's place for Big 2. Mom say want share w me. Won about $30. She gave me 1/3... kns! After took my 1/3 also! Got win like nv win. I took nothing. Nb..
Malcolm loves brushing teeth. From morning reach there take the toothbrush until night
I dislike cny since I was young because shops will be closed and only fast food is available. I hate going to relatives house to bai nian. And ang bao money always so little cos all so stingy... Now I hate cny even more cos I needa give $$$. Got out no in. Even mom doesnt give me lei walaoo! I think I only received 3 for myself lolol! Two from in laws, one from kh's grandma. Sad!

My gam zek bro. Forever weight at only 15kg -_-
Nobody tell me my hair so messy..!
They came over to mom's place for Big 2. Mom say want share w me. Won about $30. She gave me 1/3... kns! After took my 1/3 also! Got win like nv win. I took nothing. Nb..
Malcolm loves brushing teeth. From morning reach there take the toothbrush until night
Tuesday, February 01, 2011
I'm back! ^^ I've got nothing much to update.. Left Asylum already. I need to manage my time well.

I said "kiss meimei.." hehe

good boy! he did not cry at all..

my boss sei.. kiao kar, always!

Love the companion of my kids. But when the both of them are together = havoc. This one cry I go entertain him, the other cry. I go entertain e other one, first one cry again... -_-"

I said "kiss meimei.." hehe

good boy! he did not cry at all..

my boss sei.. kiao kar, always!

Love the companion of my kids. But when the both of them are together = havoc. This one cry I go entertain him, the other cry. I go entertain e other one, first one cry again... -_-"
Hello rebecca, did you see this? IMY!!! Can you pls fork out some time for me??!?!
CNY eve tomorrow. Totally no mood leyyyy. Anyway I wanna hide at home so frens pls do not call me k? I got no money to bao ang bao.. Lol. Tomorrow night going for thai steamboat. Omg cant wait!! My fav! ;)
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