No celebration on the actual day, just cake cutting =)
Luckily it was a friday and meimei came home, just in time!
The birthday boy <3
His fav - Mickey mouse!
"It's the mickey mouse clubhouse
come inside its fun inside..."
HAHAHA js and I can sing this song well cos Mal can watch the dvd again and again...
Only the Mickey pic looks nice right? The round surface looks... ehhh not appealing at all lol
But it was yummy!
Chocolate sponge cake w blueberry filling - I like!
Before everyone was ready... he sing for himself first ha ha ha
Cake from Bengawan Solo
Worth buying! Cheap n yummy!
My nerdy pie awwww
LAI siblings take a pic tgt
Pic #1 - failed
1) js blinked
2) cannot see meimei's eyes
Pic #2 - nahhh no good
The kids look so cute!! But the lao ba look like kena punched lol
Pic #3 - bobian this e nicest
Idw to continue to take for them already v hungry
OK my turn now!
I look muscular #FML
Bad shot - why got so much space all around? zzz!
I very pekchek when I saw e plates -_-
Kids w my fav person. LOL ok laa. W mil..
I jealous leh! This pic so nice -_-
OKOK stop it
Family shot. I love this!!!
Wish js' face was brighter.... this e best that I could edit
Bo liao video hee
TODAY - brought e kids to JE swimming complex!
Meimei's hand doing the "pa-pa sign"... lol. She's scared
Ok thats all. Scare my phone drop into the pool so better be safe than sorry...
I dont like to go swimming one cos I got sensitive nose. Once I accidentally drop into e water then thats it, my horrible flu will start coming...
AND swimming pool inside must wear swimming costume, NO shirt allowed.
I was caught wearing my spag down into e water. Got no choice but to remove my top. (I wore bikini inside) SIGH then I pull my fbt very very high to cover my stretchmarks LOL kelianzz
I hope e kids enjoyed! Seeing them happy its like a great achievement in life =D