Tuesday, 4th March
Finally.. a day out with my cute wife! Actually its supposed to be an advanced birthday celebration for me, but you know you know, 2 girls can go where celebrate. So use shopping as celebration lo, lol. As usual fep first, heeren (toilet only) then cine. Bought nothing at all, SIGH. Then to bugis, kfc first cos no more strength, lol. After that shopped at village for very long. Kns, finally bought the belt Im looking for. Cos finally bought something then forgot to bargain with the auntie lol. Then poor laopo's bag spoilt LOL. Walked over to junction and I insisted that she must buy a new bag then can go home. Then we walk and walk and walk, in the end also gain nothing! Sad day =( But happy to see her! Hehe, loves!

Wednesday, 5th March
Was the first to wake up at 930. Prepared and left home at 10plus. First to reach harbour front first. Zz. Then jiun came. Accompanied her eat and wait for the other 2 pigs. All reached already and yay, off to sentosa for my birthday celebration!Took damn long in toilet for changing. Went palawan beach. The minute we settled down, daohui want faster cut cake lol. Got 1big candle and 7 small ones right. Wind to strong, cant light up all =,= in the end put the big one only.

After that forgot what happened, lazy type also. I remember after not long it rained. No choice, so we went to bath. This time took even longer in toilet. After everythings done, off to bugis. At first wanted to go k, in the end timing dont match so ended up for steamboat. Eat until wanto die. After eating, daohui go toilet vomit lmao =xWent to heights for mom's soup and birthday ang baos, sat awhile and home =)

Thursday, 6th March
Happy Birthday to ME! Woke up, chatted online with wife. Reached mousey's house at 4. Lol, his surprise very nice ah. Outside his room, on the floor got one bigbig arrow made of rose petals, different color sumore. Forgot take picture of it, wasted. Then he stick one happy birthday message together with a birthday bear on the door. I opened the door then TA DA! So sweet lei. A heart shape filled with rose petals again lol. Got light around it sumore. Not bad ah. Then he walked out from the kitchen with my birthday cake and sing bdae song, hehehe! After that asked me go search sth from the big heart filled w petals one. Found one necklace =) Then he came in again with roses. Awwww so sweet thanks B! I think too many presents already, so next few months no need buy anniversary present for me k LOL.
Ate then bth, fell asleep. Woke up, prepared then met yong and ah seng at cine. Off to bq to meet up with the others. Saw my queenie dear after sooooo long =D Went Access. Lol, go in first cup already kana by the boss. Opened one martell, after that queenie dear opened one martell for me, thanks dear sry made you waste money. Zhu opened beer for me lol. Dont know what time Access close already then me, mousey, darren and zhu went Whiskey. Waited for girlgirl come, in the end he got OT never come kns one!
Had a wonderful 17th birthday =) Thanks B the most!!! AI NI!!!!

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