Stylo boy siollllll. Hahaha his head is the same size as Max's. O_O

Jiun's birthday chalet on the 6th. Happy Birthday! Feedback from us for ECP chalet, CMI! Soooo dirty & lok ttm. Lights burnt, the thing in the bathroom for hanging clothes one, they use chopsticks and dont know how they make to stuck them behind the clothes. LOL. I've to shower wearing my slippers ( too dirty), and have to look after my plastic bag cos worry that the sticks couldnt support my clothes -,-
That night nobody was drunk. Hahaha. 1.5 bottles of Martell all not enough to drink. Funny, all jiu gui! When they were playing mj, I was bored to death. Afew of them lao sai for few times! FUNNY! Something happened and I rushed back to mom's place zzz

Muack muack

Ah lian mommy.

Idk why I look more muscular than shawn here. Lol. My hand like giek sia. HAHAHAH

Long body like snake...

I dont like this picture. I look cuiiii

Thinking why got 'muthu' here??? LOL

Still got some pictures but due to some reason, I cannot post them up here.

Headband for melanie! CUTE right. I bought them when she was 1month old. That time still cannot wear cos her head too small. Now... Kids grow really fast!

This picture totally js lo. Superb look alike!

Heeee so cute! More and more like malcolm!
I ask malcolm to say Melanie, he said... "bi-bi ni". Hahaha cute la he. LOVE!