Woke up early in the morning, 8plus @@ Went tpy polyclinic with mousey. He went there take mc while I went there consult doctor. So weird, spent our anniversary by going to the doctor together =,= Back to his house after that. Slept like nobodys business. Evening woke up, went downstairs cut hair, dinner then home-d. When I was cutting my hair, the hair dresser (ah gua) asked me if Im working or studying. I replied studying. He continued "university student huh", then I was laughing in my heart lol. Not bad ah, ah gua thinks I've got a smart face haha.
One word, shag
Saturday, 15 Feb
Mousey came and long bang me to aunt's house. Went up take thing then left for amk for yummy chicken rice. After eating headed to town. Yesyes, fep again!!! One week go there dont know how many times lo =,= Almost everytime go there also saw caijing, so ps one. Forced mousey to buy something. In the end, he got himself 2 three quarter pants lol. After that headed to cine. Wanted to watch Rule No. 1 but the timing doesnt match with us. Went marina lo, cos there got pool and GV.
Reached marina square, faster go get tickets. While waiting, played arcade. When its almost time, went for movie. Rated Rule No. 1 3/5. I think the show quite sucks. Ending is like shit. Why like shit still rated it 3 stars huh? Cos this ghost film I dare to watch ma, I never cover my eyes all the way lol.
Movie ended around 10 I think. Hong Kong Cafe was next =) Then home-d. Tiring day. Love B!
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