Monday, June 11, 2007

Friday ; Went to school for ss then skipped biology and art. Went to vivo and 'jia hong', haha. The wind there was strong la. And we lied down there, almost fell asleep. Then went to collect mousey's birthday cake and went home. Evening me and mousey went to amk to look for dad. He treated mousey eat and gave him angbao. Good sia. After that we left and headed to bugis walkwalk. Then to esplanade. Thought can celebrate happily with him, who knows had a big fight at esplanade. Always esplanade one sia! more than 3 times already, sway place =,= Luckily we were back to normal before 12. Still can counted as a happy birthday =) Lastly we went to marina square. This year's birthday must be an unforgettable one to him. Wakaka =p Love u laaaaaa!

Saturday ; Headed to far east to look for my shoes first. Damn. The whole of far east plaza dont have any shoes which i can fit in =( All big size laaaa! Even the smallest i can find, which was size 4, also cannot! Even the salesman (salesboy?) also laughed at me =,= Sad! Then left far east with a bad mood. Went to lucky plaza for dinner then to cine to meet up with the rest. After everyone reached, went to party world and the rooms were fully booked. Ended up we all went to boat quay for drink. Yes, mousey was drunk like hell. He vomitted 5 times. Woo, cool! And he insisted that he wana sing. LOL! But too bad, we waited damn long for his song but also not his turn. Hahaha. Yong also vomitted. Dots, all lousy poke poke laaaa! Imma good drinker =p Afterall mousey still enjoyed himself (i hope so) =) Good good!

thought of catching the mickey mouse toy for him. But you know you know . . . =p

Happy belated birthday beibei! M-U-A-C-K~!!

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